
New research in medicine and neurophysiology supports what therapists in the pre- and perinatal field know, our experiences before, during, and shortly after birth have a huge impact on how we see the world, how we act in it, and how we build our relationships. Since our brain builds connections at the fastest rate ever in these very special days and hours around our birth, everything we learn and feel during this time is imprinted throughout our nervous system. Our way of being, persona/nature are fundamentally shaped by this occurrence.
An integral approach to giving birth considers the whole journey, from preconception to birth and beyond. It provides in-depth understanding and support for the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual experiences of all involved in the process, i.e., mother, baby, father/partner, other family members. It creates a foundation for welcoming babies in a new way, supports families in the practice of healthy bonding and attachment, while maintaining healthy relationships.

With this quality of care, we can help the next generation to have a gentler and loving, even sacred start into life. Each child brings a special gift for his or her family and the world. We as the parents and adults can make a difference by welcoming children in a way that allows them to remember who they are, to blossom, and to unfold their talents.
Giving newborns the chance to express themselves after the birth is essential to integration. Infants, moving from living inside the womb to the outside world, require a transition that is supported by parents and healthcare professionals so they can fully incorporate the process. They communicate with body movements, facial expressions, and their voice, even with crying, until they sense a connection with others – some sense of being seen and known.
An Integral Approach to Pregnancy & Childbirth; Brooke W. Radloff; Center for Integral Pregnancy & Childbirth